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Holistic Women's Healthcare

Holistic Women's Healthcare

Gyn-Ecologic Support

Optimizing Fertility

Optimizing Fertility

PreConception & Fertility Counselling

Holistic Midwifery Care

Holistic Midwifery Care

Holistic Pregnancy and PostPartum Therapies

Maya Abdominal Therapy

Maya Abdominal Therapy, HART Method. Incorporates traditional Central American bodywork techniques and herbal therapies that have been practiced by generations of Maya, Aztec, Nahuatl and Mixteca healers, midwives and shamans for thousands of years. Improve circulation, vital function and eliminaton via the circulatory, kidney, digestive, respiratory systems; release scar tissue adhesions following accidents and surgeries including cesarean; align abdominal organs including uterus, bladder and prostate to assist with fertility challenges in both women and men; bladder problems, pelvic pain; alleviate discomfort and enhance regularity of menses; improve digestion and lung function; optimize uterine health prior to conception and throughout pregnancy as baby/babies grow; ease ligamentous discomfort of pregnancy; align baby/babies for greater ease navigating the birth canal.

Gyn-Ecologic Support

Holistic gynecologic care for women and teens. Hormone support and balancing. Menstrual challenges (pain, irregularity, no menses, heavy flow, peri- and postmenopause). Treatment of pelvic bio-terrain imbalances. Fertility/pre-conception counselling. Fertility Awareness Method counselling and classes for pregnancy prevention and conception planning. Maya Abdominal Therapy. HART Method.

Holistic Pregnancy and PostPartum Care

Holistic pregnancy and postpartum care. Gentle, effective holistic mama/baby-friendly therapies for pregnancy concerns as they arise from first trimester forward. Maya Abdominal Therapy and HART Method throughout pregnancy to minimize ligamentous discomfort, align uterus and baby for optimal birth positioning and passage. On-call/as available Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments during labor to alleviate obstructions. Post-partum uterine re-alignment/ligamentous support to speed healing. Lactation counselling from newborn period forward.  

Preconception and Fertility Counselling

Optimizing vitality of both women/egg donors/surrogates and men/sperm donors prior to conception. Addressing fertility challenges in both women (irregular or no menses, lack of ovulation, hormonal imbalances, uterine  positioning, etc) and men (low sperm counts, low motility, high viscosity, abnormal morphology, etc). 

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Mon:  9 am - 3 pm 

Tues:  1 pm - 7 pm

Wed:  1 pm - 7 pm

Thurs: 9 am - 3 pm

Fri:  Urgent Care by Appt

Sat: Urgent Care by Appt

Sun: Urgent Care by Appt





Southern WI

SW WI, SE WI, Central WI


Virtual Consults in WI/MN/OR

Call 608-258-2525
© 2017 Keyena McKenzie/All Images and Text
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